Do ALL to the Glory of God

Some days I struggle to find motivation to do the mundane tasks that are a part of my daily life as a mom at home. The kitchen sink is overflowing with dishes, the beds are all unmade, and clutter seems to be taking over my home. We're late getting out the door for school, I have nothing planned for dinner, and I don't put on "real pants" all day long. (Can I get an "Amen" for lounge pants?)

That's why reading a verse like this stings. "Do all to the glory of God." Yikes. Have I even done half to His glory today? How do I overcome this mental slump and get back on track? How do I do things like cooking and cleaning to His glory? Does that mean my house has to look perfect all the time? Does that mean I have to be perfect? If that's the case, why bother even trying? I know there's no way I can achieve perfection.

I think the key must lie in my contentment and gratitude. On the days I remember to look at my husband, to really look at him, and to appreciate him, it's easier to do things for him because I love him. It doesn't feel so taxing to cook his favorite dinner because I am doing it to express my love for him.

So what if I can find gratitude and joy in everything God has given me? I tried this yesterday and the results were astounding. As I picked up and cleaned, I thanked God for each thing I touched. I was actually, really grateful for the dishes we have to eat on each day, for the floors that we can go barefoot on (or that my kids can practice roller skating on), for the kitchen table where we enjoy time as a family every day, for the children who leave toys in the back yard. All of these things I have to maintain are signs of the blessings God has given me. And the more thankfulness I felt toward Him for each little blessing, the easier it became to do small tasks for his glory.

I think it's easy for moms to sometimes feel like the things we do don't really matter much. We often feel invisible and unimportant. But this verse has challenged me to remember that when it feels like no one sees, God does. He sees me. And this verse reminds me that I want Him to be pleased with what He sees. If I can glorify Him during something difficult and terrible like infertility and pregnancy loss, it shouldn't really be that hard to glorify Him in my daily life, should it? And yet some days it is.

I feel so challenged by this short verse. I hope today I can please God. I hope I can build a new habit of glorifying Him in small ways each day.

God, help me today to remember that each thing I do brings a chance to glorify you. Help me to live this day with an attitude of gratefulness and a sense of purpose. Help me to do each task for love's sake and to honor You today.


"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."
                    1 Corinthians 10:31


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